Friday, July 31, 2009

Okay, Fine!

I will succumb to much peer pressure and do a post about family stuff. :) 

Liz has been taking dance classes twice a week for the past two weeks. She started well after the rest of the girls, so she's a little bit behind, but she's picking it up very quickly. They normally don't let the parents watch because it distracts the kids, but they had a special preview day on Thursday where they allowed us to come see them for the last 20 minutes (of the 90 minute class). 

Karla wasn't feeling well enough to come so I was doing double-duty with the video and still cameras to try to capture the event for everyone. I then came home and hooked up the new video camera to the computer for the first time and used iMovie for the first time in many years. (They have made MAJOR changes to the program since the last time I did anything with it. I don't know nearly as much about it as I used to, so forgive the rough editing.) 

The theme is kind of cheesy, but it's nice because it's just a drag-and-drop process. 


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I started a small business consulting firm/practice/thing today. I haven't determined a business name yet, and I'm far from incorporated, but I met with my first client. He's been described to me by many people as the "unofficial Mayor" of their town. (As far as I can tell the town is actually governed by a HOA-style board.) He is, without question, the most connected person I've ever met. I drove around with him a week ago and he showed me the area and everywhere we went he'd see several people who know him by name and ask when they can get together again. 

He is in the process of taking over a business. Due to non-disclosure restraints I can't say too much, but basically the business is quite profitable, having grown 100% since he started with them one year ago, but the whole operation is such a mess than he can't take it any further without serious help. There are two businesses, multiple families, and a church all mixed in the financial disaster. So they are making money, and they have cash on hand, but determining how much cash belongs to which organization is a near-impossibility. 

In the course of the first real day of inquiry about the business he has already directed attention to what I'll be doing next. While I'm working on his business he is actually working on mine! He has my next client already lined up for me (I met them last week; a sign business that also does graphics, videography, and marketing; we will DEFINITELY get along), and wants to know more about me so he can better sell me to more clients. 

If I didn't need immediate cash flow (and if I didn't know they have cash on hand) I would do this pro-bono because he's so incredibly connected and so actively trying to help me and my family. I was expecting to move out of this big family compound/plantation and into an apartment, but the jump start he's giving me makes me think we may be able to get into an actual house instead. 

Sorry no more personal, family posts. It really is quite busy. But at least I fixed the internet connection! 

- Jon 

P.S. I have a few ideas I'm working on for the business name, but I'm open to suggestions. Please leave a comment with any ideas. Again, I'm focusing on long-term strategic planning and marketing (both the common sense involving sales & advertising and the truer meaning involving product/service selection and client relations.)

Monday, July 20, 2009

kgb_ Highlights

I know I'm not supposed to, but I have to! Here are some REAL questions people have asked on kgb. (Text your question to 542542; all answers cost 99¢. Standard text messaging rates something something.)

"How fast can I legally go over the speed limit?"

"What is the world's record for the largest baby penis?"

"Is it a law in Texas that if a dog bites anyone in a vet's office, the vet must put the dog down?"

"What does Andrew look like?" This one was funny because the auto-filled answer explained the appearance of female genitalia. Must be the most common question  in the form of "What does ____ look like?"

"What's the best thing to tell a girl when you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"How do you say *#@! in Japanese?"

"What is a rusty spoon?" (DO NOT GOOGLE THIS!)

"Should I stay with Ryan?"

"If a 13 year old boy spurms with a little bit of blood is it normal or shud he stop [obvious word removed for the sake of young readers]?"

"Is the government wiretapping all of our phones?"
We're allowed to do humorous responses when the context allows (obviously I can't give the guy a documented answer), so I responded, "kgb would love to answer this question, but we have reason to suspect this is not a secure line." 

It's 2:15 am. Time for bed. 

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I did about 9 hours of kgb answers today. Well, last night and early this morning (it's 3:30 am). 

The first while was not very busy, and the answers were varied. But the last 3 hours have been nothing but perverts and awkward teenagers who are curious about their bodies (and the bodies of the opposite sex). And curious about sex. And curious about alternatives when sex isn't available. And curious about statistics for all things genitalia. And curious about my genitalia. And curious if "herpes is really a big deal? Can I die from anal warts?" I'm not making this stuff up. At all. I took screenshots of a few that were particularly priceless. 

Fortunately kgb has a set of auto-answer things we can just click to give a canned answer like, "We like a challenge but choose to not answer this one. No charge." 

There is a database where we can grab previous answers and throw them in. We get half pay for those, but they're very fast and actually far more profitable. But it's disturbing to do a search in the database for the terms in the late-night questions and see just how many previous answers there are in the database. 

Mind you this service has been around less than a year, and the auto-answer technology is even newer. (They call it Otto Hansa. Clever, 'eh?) 

Anyway, time for sleep but I dread it because of the mental images I've been given today. 

Pray I find a real job very soon. 

Oh, best question of the night: "My boyfriend spends all his time on kgb. How do I break up with this deadbeat?" I would have loved to have seen her boyfriend get that text on his screen and look over at his girlfriend. 10¢ per question, dude. Put the computer away and pay attention to her. 


Friday, July 17, 2009

New Job

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. It's been really busy. I've been sorting through thousands (tens of thousands) of old photos to identify ones that would be good to sell as stock photography, then editing, then setting up a workflow to submit them to multiple stock photography sites. It's a lot of work, but once set up they are available for sale forever and could potentially provide some residual income. 

I'm also starting a new job today for kgb. (Apparently you're never supposed to capitalize it; I assume that's so it isn't confused with the KGB of the old Soviet Union. If they didn't want to be confused with them, maybe they should have picked a different name?) 

I'm a Special Agent. That means I sit around in my jammies and answer people's questions that they text to 542542 (kgbkgb). Try it sometime. It's rather entertaining. (Answers cost 99¢ each. Regular text messaging fees may apply.) 

I get a whopping 10¢ per answer if I do the research, or 5¢ if I use a canned answer from the database. If I work really hard I might be able to make $6/hour! 

So, yeah, it's not about the money so much as an interesting outlet for my unique ability to find basically anything online and remember nearly useful (but apparently not worthless!) trivia. 

Maybe the next time we all get together we can play Trivial Pursuit and I'll be my own team against everyone else. We'll have a blast. I'm sure you can't wait. :) 

Check out some of their commercials:

I'm planning on making a much more realistic version that I'll post on YouTube showing what kgb agents really look like. (Maybe I'll wear the same outfit as the chick in the "loser wears my outfit" commercial.) 

Edit: I'm not supposed to blog about questions people ask, and make fun of them and all that, but I have to share this one: Were Jesus' remains ever found? Um, hello?! He was resurrected. What remains did you expect to be found? 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogger Trick

Okay, I've been doing all sorts of editing and designing for many years. Blogger's tiny edit window drives me nuts. It took me a few minutes of googling to find it, but I found someone with a WONDERFUL solution:

He wrote a javascript, um, script that will resize your editing window to just barely fit in your current browser window. All you have to do is bookmark the link he has clearly labeled, then open an editing window and choose that bookmark. It doesn't navigate to a new page, it just fixes the current one so you can actually see what you're doing. (Moving pictures around is particularly obnoxious in the tiny window.)


Day 2 - Denver to Kansas City

Well, as I mentioned before, we got out of Denver (actually Littleton) rather late, so we knew we'd be late getting into Kansas City where Karla's other cousin, Bethany, would be hosting us for the next night.

After a quick stop at Walmart on the way out of town we climbed on I-70 and drove and drove and drove. While not quite as perfectly flat and boring as I had been told to expect (there are some vague hills), it was definitely the least interesting part of the entire trip.

As you can see, Madi is not happy to be in Kansas. :(

Such remarkable vistas!

Probably the highlight of the Kansas drive.

This was the usual scene out the window.
Flat as far as you can see in every direction.

This is an HDR image (I'll explain later in the post), poorly processed, but it shows Liz in the rearview and the outside view. (Normally the mirror and dash would be in silhouette to see the details outside, or the inside would look good and the outside would look like a nuclear blast.)

Madi is SUCH a sweet girl. She really handled the LONG drives very well. It screwed up her sleep schedule, but she played and slept a lot. We had my MacBook set up between the two front seats so they could watch fun movies on the drive, but Madi seemed generally disinterested in whatever was on the screen, and very interested in playing with my video camera bag strap. Go figure.

Karla handled the drive fairly well also. While I did most of the driving, she was happy to help when I needed a break. In Kansas that wasn't so much about actually being tired so much as bored out of my mind. Even hearing The Little Mermaid wasn't enough to keep me awake, so we had to trade off.

You'll have to click on this one to really see it. I did a panoramic photo in the truck, showing all of the girls. Unfortunately there was too much distortion in the shot of Liz when I combined them, so this only shows Madi & Karla and the spectacular view. :)

I guess I just get bored with regular pictures. For some reason I decided to do a panoramic shot
of our truck & trailer at Wendy's in some random town in Kansas.

It was about 3 am when we passed through Abiline (where Aubrey & crew lived forever), but I wanted to go see the town anyway.

This is a bad shot of la casa de Ortega. It's hard to take architectural photos in the middle of the night with bad lighting. I was able to angle the truck & trailer at the house (harder than it sounds) to shine the headlights enough to take a few pictures. The problem is that the headlights are focused so you get a really bright spot and everything else is dark. So I took 3 photos at different levels of brightness and combined them on the computer (easier than it sounds) to compensate. But I had to shoot at the highest sensitivity setting on our little camera with a small sensor. High sensitivity and small sensors both lead to noisy images, and the HDR process (combining bright and dark images to even out the highlights and shadows) emphasizes noise, so it's pretty ugly. And I don't currently have Photoshop installed to clean it up better.

Here's the result:

Anyway, it was fun to see Abilene. Cute, little town. I enjoyed how there are signs all over town about "historic [insert name here] mansion", yet every one of them was smaller than average homes in Draper or basically anywhere on the side of the mountains in Utah.

We didn't take any more pictures, but we got in to Kansas City around 4 am, and to Bethany's and in bed by 5. They quietly left for work while we slept in.


Well, this was a surprise for everyone, especially us:

I assure you we weren't trying. If anything this is a bit of a medical miracle. Without getting too terribly graphic it seems Karla ovulates at a very unconventional "time of the month."

This definitely complicates our plans. Obviously I'm looking for work but if Karla's history with pregnancy is any indicator then I'll need a job that can pay all of our bills (I was ready to take just whatever I can get), as Karla might not be able to actually do massage while pregnant.

Once again we're reminded (as though we really needed to be) that our plans are not necessarily the Lord's plans.

Stay tuned!

P.S. We tried to call people for more personalized announcements, but we completely ran out of roaming minutes on our cell phone plan (there's no local service here), and the landline (actually a Vonage VOIP line) is acting up, so we can't complete that process. My apologies if you are offended that we didn't call you; we really did try.