Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Well, this was a surprise for everyone, especially us:

I assure you we weren't trying. If anything this is a bit of a medical miracle. Without getting too terribly graphic it seems Karla ovulates at a very unconventional "time of the month."

This definitely complicates our plans. Obviously I'm looking for work but if Karla's history with pregnancy is any indicator then I'll need a job that can pay all of our bills (I was ready to take just whatever I can get), as Karla might not be able to actually do massage while pregnant.

Once again we're reminded (as though we really needed to be) that our plans are not necessarily the Lord's plans.

Stay tuned!

P.S. We tried to call people for more personalized announcements, but we completely ran out of roaming minutes on our cell phone plan (there's no local service here), and the landline (actually a Vonage VOIP line) is acting up, so we can't complete that process. My apologies if you are offended that we didn't call you; we really did try.


  1. So somehow I missed this post in between the other ones... just wanted to say congratulations and how 'bout you text me and tell me how things are going? GEEZ! j/k Hope things are going well, I'll talk to you soon.
