Friday, July 31, 2009

Okay, Fine!

I will succumb to much peer pressure and do a post about family stuff. :) 

Liz has been taking dance classes twice a week for the past two weeks. She started well after the rest of the girls, so she's a little bit behind, but she's picking it up very quickly. They normally don't let the parents watch because it distracts the kids, but they had a special preview day on Thursday where they allowed us to come see them for the last 20 minutes (of the 90 minute class). 

Karla wasn't feeling well enough to come so I was doing double-duty with the video and still cameras to try to capture the event for everyone. I then came home and hooked up the new video camera to the computer for the first time and used iMovie for the first time in many years. (They have made MAJOR changes to the program since the last time I did anything with it. I don't know nearly as much about it as I used to, so forgive the rough editing.) 

The theme is kind of cheesy, but it's nice because it's just a drag-and-drop process. 



  1. WOW, Elizabeth ... You are a great dancer!!
    You look so cute in your dancing clothes.
    I like the tapping shoes a lot. They look like fun! I wish the dancing place was by my house, so I could come and watch you.
    I am so glad your daddy made a movie, so we
    could all see you learning to dance!
    We love you!! From Jenny (and Emma:)

  2. Liz you are so cute! I am proud of you learning to dance. I hope you are having fun. I miss you like crazy! Love, Grandma
